Saturday, 15 March 2025

My Electronic Devices

My Electronic Devices

💥 My Desk Space (April 2021) - the oil painting is an original from the guitarist (Alexander) in the band "Surprise".

💥 Laptop: Kogan Atlas 15.6" (September 2024)

💥 Smaller Laptop/Tablet: Kogan Atlas D600 10.1" 2-in-1 with Touchscreen (October 2024, $150)
    Specs (1) & (2)

💥 Keyboard

I bought this one on sale at one of our local retailers in October 2022; my old keyboard was feeling a bit 'clunky' to my "Dizzy Fingers"... this one feels great! I use it in combination with the laptop (rather than using the laptop's keyboard).

💥 Voice-to-Text

15 March 2023
Well, I feel like a complete idiot. I have just figured out how to use voice-to-text and I'm using it right now to write this. It works brilliantly on both my laptop and my mobile phone and my tablet. No more worries about my MS "Dizzy Fingers". Why didn't I do this ages ago? It's so easy. Now I don't have to mess around with a USB mouse and a USB keyboard to send a text message on my mobile phone (cf. below). People told me about this years ago, but it wasn't until just now that I actually thought, "Hmmm... let's do it!"

Stupid males! lolol

💥 Bluetooth Keyboard

Works and feels great! Saves me from having to try and fail to use my Android Touch Screen stuff! The story (click).
But: cf the 'Stylus Writing Pen' (below).

💥 Bluetooth Mouse

Works and feels great! Saves me from having to try and fail to use my Android Touch Screen stuff! The story: (click)
But: cf the 'Stylus Writing Pen' (below).

💥  Bluetooth Soundbar Speaker

So clear and crisp and doesn't have to be loud at all (just 9 watts); sits atop my laptop on my desk

💥  Mobile Phone: Samsung Galaxy A13 (July 2023): an early 59th birthday present to myself.

💥 Tripod and Mount for the Mobile phone camera
No more shaky pics. 😉

💥 Stylus Writing Pens: Why hadn't I got one of these bloody things before now? I guess I completely forgot about it, as it'd fallen off my 'Bucket List'. As it is, the one I got myself is really bloody easy for me to use on the mobile's touchscreen with my stoopid numb MS hands/fingers - yay!

💥 Wacom One Drawing Pad: (31 October 2023) When connected to my laptop [etc], this is drawing made easy! I bought one very cheaply through eBay, and it works like a dream. Now comes the bit where I have to figure out how to use it! Plus it'll only be good for me to sketch/draw etc when my MS Hands/Dizzy Fingers want to cooperate. But it's there ready to go and so easy to use. Weeee! NB. This is an absolute decadent luxury for me.

💥 New Tablet: QPS "YQ10S" 10.1-inch Tablet (with Android 13.0).
10 November 2023

My old Tablet (cf. below) decided to stop charging. Not bad, considering it is c.10 years old.

I managed to find a brand new one very inexpensively via eBay, which was quickly delivered to my door. This one works like a charm, thankfully. Along with all the various Apps, writing pens etc etc, this is a complete decedent luxury for me (along with the Drawing tablet (cf. below)!

Length: 30 seconds

21 July 2023
I bought myself one of these things inexpensively on eBay (an early Birthday present?) just so I can use my phone and tablet whilst I'm sitting up in bed (aah, the joys of being an old fart! lol)

💥 July 2023: My brother gave me their old unused Akai 7-Inch Portable DVD player: I can sit in bed and watch my DVD's now! Tis such a decadent luxury for me 😁  THANK YOU!  💗

💥 MP3 Player: I've had this for years, and had completely forgotten about it; works just fine. I just remembered that I can listen to its music while I'm out for my daily walks (silly me!)


I keep all the associated charging leads and unit in a small canvas bag, to keep it all together. Of course, when I took the assorted old headphones out that I never use in late November 2022... I laughed!

I use these headphones normally, tho
Crystal clear definition, great bottom end, and really light
No need for high volume at all

💥 OLD PHONE: Optus X Spirit with Android
A glorified answering machine, basically. I use a pre-paid setup. I need to use the Bluetooth Keyboard and Mouse (above) (and now Stylus Writing Pen [below]) to be able to send text messages properly.
Specs: (01)  Camera: 8MP 4:3
The story: (click)

💥 My Previous Laptop
September 2024
Lenovo Ideapad 320 

The incredible story: (click).
Specs: (01)

💥 My Previous Tablet: Lenovo Tab 10 TB-X103F with Android
Update: 10 November 2023
This has finally stopped wanting to charge... it dieded!!! So I have been able to replace it (see above).

Some wonderful friends bought this for me a few years ago now. Unfortunately, I can't use it very much at all, due to its incredible slowness, and my 'dizzy fingers' make the touch screen very difficult for me to use. I've tried attaching the Bluetooth Keyboard and mouse with it, but they do not often work/connect. I most certainly do not want to appear ungrateful for this machine.
Specs: (01)  &  (02)
Camera: 5MP 4:3

 March 2023
During my last 'overnighter', I has a totally random thought.. as I don't use the thing much any more, why don't I just totally 'restore to factory default' the thing, like wipe everything off the tablet and just start from scratch (I don't know why I hadn't thought of this before!) Anything I had of importance on there I'd already backed-up etc.

Well: it worked! Now it's like new and fast again! Must have been totally bloated with unnecessary crap, I guess. It'll be a good simple backup now, with a much larger screen than my mobile, so I can use the keyboard on it easily.

Silly moi [laffs at self].

💥 Camera: I occasionally use my little Kodak 'point-and-shoot' camera. Had it for years, and still works like a charm. I use my phone's camera mostly now.
Specs: (01)    Camera: 3.3MP 4:3
The story: (click


💥 Air Fryer

Also: Devices

Peas be with ewe 


  1. Isn't it amazing the various stages technology has gone through. Like you I have a tablet stand, mine is foam and I can sit tablet on it at 3 different angles. Now that is decadence

    1. I feel like such an old fart sometimes, but yes - it's amazing 👏
