Sunday 21 November 2021

Fun Facts

Fun Facts That Will Amaze You

● Snakes do not have eyelids. Although they cannot close their eyes while they are sleeping, they can close their retinas.

● The Incredible Hulk was initially supposed to be grey, but according to Stan Lee, an issue with the printer turned the Hulk green.

● If you type the word “askew” into the Google search box, the entire page will tilt slightly.

● The term “astronaut” comes from Greek words that mean “star” and “sailor.”

● The longest common word with all the letters in alphabetical order is “almost.”

● According to Plato, wine may be tasted in moderation until age 31, but when a man reaches 40, he may drink as much as he wants to cure the “crabbedness of old age.”

● No matter how badly fingerprints are damaged, they will always grow back in their original pattern.

● Elephants sing to each other, but their songs are in a frequency too low for humans to hear.

● Americans spend more time watching other people on television cook than they do cooking themselves.

● Charles Darwin invented the modern office chair when he added wheels to his own chair, so he could move around his office easier.

● The term “coccyx” (also known as your tailbone) is derived from the Greek word “cuckoo” (“kokkux”) because the curved shape of the tailbone resembles the bird’s beak.

Peas be with ewe 


  1. I was cynical about askew but you are quite right. Unfortunately typing unaskew does not make it straighten up.
