Saturday 25 March 2023

Spring Cleaning in Autumn

I've been doing so much "Spring Cleaning" lately, it's not funny! Catch-22... it's early Autumn tho 😁

I've been going thru old clothes and Manchester I don't need/use, bagging them up, and taking them one-by-one to the local Op Shop... bundling them one bag at a time atop Brian and strolling into town and back (3.6 km / 2.2 mile round trip). 

Finding things I'd completely forgotten about... deciding what to throw out, to recycle, to "Pay It Forward", to sell.

Like two of my electric guitars - both are in fine nick and with cases etc. I did a bit of research and realized I could possibly get a 4-figure sum for one of them! Blimey... I had no idea it was worth that much. I'll put them on consignment in a nearby town's pro music shop, and just see what happens (I've no expectations to be honest). 🎸

But I'll be keeping two others - a guitar (The Gherkin) and a bass... and I'll be keeping my guitar amp and bass rig (gawd alone knows why!)... it's hard for a muso to part with his babies [grins]. Yes, my MS hands make it almost impossible for me to play them nowdays dagnabbit, but...

Now I have SPACE... I use my bedroom just to sleep in, and there's been a pile of stuff covered with old sheets etc laying in there dormant for years that I've not used. Not just music stuff either. That's what is getting all sorted out. It's feel great, it really does.

Peas be with ewe 

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