Tuesday, 4 February 2025

St. Joseph's Mount / Logan Brae Proposed Development

Mal's Blog Post

Historic St. Joseph's Mount / Logan Brae and its gorgeous open parklands are physically right across the road from me here in South Bathurst, NSW, Australia (pics).
15 November 2024 @ Milltown Park
This was a free community event by the local community for the local community. Great friendly, positive intermingling from everybody!


November 2024


➽ As a local resident, I am very concerned about the proposed development of the Logan Brea site on Busby Street, South Bathurst NSW Australia.

Note: I aint no NIMBY!

 The proposed height and density for the site are the issues (for me).

 It's a HERITAGE CONSERVATION ZONE for goodness' sake! Doesn't that mean anything?

 Then there are the ensuing traffic and infrastructure nightmares from a proposed new population of 500+ people, right next to a children's playground, on narrow streets.

➽ Then there's the Bees! Save the bees!

 Gotta fight this absurdity.


WIN News, 27 August 2024


The residents of South Bathurst have formed the "South Bathurst Residents Action Group".
They are not against development, but insist developers must 'Built It Right, Limit The Height'.
Interested persons are invited to join the Group, to check out both Planning Proposals online, to get informed, and to voice your concerns and opinions to the media and Bathurst Council.
"Say No to Sydney 2.0"

➽ Join the Group and Keep Informed
On Facebook:

(Note: this particular blog page you are currently on
is by a private citizen.)

The local neighbours are on board

● The height is one of the main issues!!!

(Gotta love that some sob ripped this down c. 24 hours after it was put up...)
17 August 2024
(and... it's gone again! grrr...)

These are the open parklands, the site of this proposed absurd development
(NB. Click on an image to view it in a larger scale)
Photo sources: Myself and Facebook

● Please note: This is not against development, but rather "Build it right, limit the height".

● This proposed addition of 1,000 new residents, plus assorted increased traffic, etc., is wholly unsuitable for this rural suburban location.

● The current Council Planned Building Height Limit in this rural suburban area is 9m. The proposed development is 18 m or 6 stories high, which may lead to further inappropriate precedents in/around Bathurst.

● The proposed development is within a Local Heritage Conservation Zone. Changes to this here may lead to further inappropriate precedents in/around Bathurst.

● The proposal does not provide a solution to the need for affordable housing.


A consistent message that we want to put out is that we are not against development of new dwellings, especially in this housing crisis. But we are after development that is sensitive to the surrounding area and residents. And the wider Bathurst community should be concerned as well. If these developments are approved as they are, it sets the precedent for further developments in other areas. And I cant imagine anyone is too pleased to have a 5+ story tower built next to them.
There are obviously a number of reasons to be concerned about these developments, and we did discuss these, but we also looked at positive actions we could take. This included flyers to make sure all surrounding residents are aware, as there are still those that don’t know. A consistent image/brand is being developed for the action group in order to show a coordinated community approach. We will be attending council meetings regularly and asking questions. A story in the newspaper will also happen at some point. As things progress through the development approval process, we aim to keep track of it and inform residents at each step. it is currently under the Gateway process..." - J.D. 2 July 2024

"The idea then was 6-12 townhouses and I remember thinking increased traffic was going to be a problem as cars made their way through the maze of streets and giveway signs onto Rocket and Havannah. 
With this recent plan, the number of bedrooms proposed is pretty insane - and I’m assuming an ambit claim. 
The amount of single rooms suggests student accommodation - maybe the uni should be looking at campus space for such high density living and cut out the travel and traffic congestion. " - S.L. 30 June 2024

"The problems with cars turning into the bottom of Busby and speeding/not indicating will definitely need to be addressed if there are more houses going into Busby Street. If the new developments go towards alleviating the housing shortage issues, then I am all for them. BUT, Please let these developments include caveats for keeping heritage trees and improving the streetscape, not destroying it." - B.P. 30 June 2024

"The St Catherine's property sits inside a Heritage Conservation Zone (HCZ) which is recognized and valued for its special historical and aesthetic character. The HCZ includes buildings trees, fences and gardens that contribute to its heritage significance. HCZs protect whole areas from inappropriate development. The proposed housing development for this site is totally alien to the South Bathurst landscape.  The ecological effect would be devastating. the site would lose its canopy cover which provides a foil against rising temperatures at a time when the highest temperatures have been recorded in history. Habitat will be lost.   The gentle ridgeline will be obliterated and the entire aspect of the site will lose its integrity.  The natural beauty of the site will be lost forever under tons of concrete.  What a tragedy for residents and what a legacy for future generations" - MTH, 22 Aug 2024

Link this Page (bit.ly/SthBxDev)

Peas be with ewe 

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