Saturday 22 July 2023

Blood Clots

Blood Clotting & Blood Thinners

I've suffered two terrifyingly painful "Pulmonary Embolisms" (blood-clot in the lung, or PE's) in six years, the last one in 2016 (aged 52). And no, they did not know what caused it!

When medical people now ask me to rate my pain on the 1-10 Pain Scale, I now know what a 10 feels like...

My last PE I thought I was going to die; the pain was that intense (it came on very quickly), but at that time, sitting up in my bed, I felt a whole releasing sense of "It's OK... there's nothing I can do about this, and that's OK... if it's my time, then it's my time"... when the pain subsided, I called an ambulance!
It took them 7 days to get me on top of it in Hospital... then they prescribed the blood thinners, to stop it happening again!

I am now taking a daily blood thinning agent (Rivaroxaban), to help lower the risk of developing any further blood clots in either my legs or lungs. I'll be on this medication for the rest of my life.

A blood clot in the lung could move along a vein far enough to cause a stroke! People die from PE's!

One of the side-effects of this medication is that - it could make me bleeeeed!

(NOTE: This post is not a "pity-party/woe-is-me" thing, as I'm simply sharing a very brief insight into some of the reasons as to why I may act so "up-and-down" from time to time.
All of this is all quite frustrating for me, as I was always quite well health-wise overall, until my mid-40's! (I'm 59 now).
Blimey... I don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, nor gamble, nor video games (Boring old fart, huh? lol)
I guess the 'joys' of a lifetime lived with stress, anxiety, and depression have caught up with my physical health!)

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Peas be with ewe 

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