Saturday, 22 July 2023

The Dizzies/Vertigo

The Dizzies / The Spins / Vertigo

I'm feeling so *&^%$#ing dizzy today.... goddam I despise that these things just kick in so randomly sometimes.

When it randomly kicks in, sometimes I feel like I have the attention span of a sock!

Catch-22... I never seem to know if these dizzy spells are a side-effect of the meds for my bipolar depression or colitis-inspired anemia, or because of my MS... or simply that I'm getting older!

"Vertigo / The Spins / The Dizzies" sort of feels like being very drunk, but without the 'buzz' - my physical body isn't affected, it feels like everything in the room is spinning... doesn't make me nauseous, just tires me right out. It's the sensation of spinning - similar to what you feel on a twirling amusement park ride - even if you’re not moving. Plus it totally stops me from doing anything positively productive... I can't focus on anything long enough, while it's happening. A nap usually nails it on the head... sometimes (Makes me sound so old, doesn't it?!)

I hate it when it kicks in; makes me feel like a real 'little old man', moving about slowly and deliberately, so I don't bloody fall over! Fvck!

Sounds fun, doesn't it? No. No, it doesn't. It's one of the reasons why I have a chair with me, whenever I'm performing on guitar - and why I'll use a walking stick or a walker when it's a bit of a hike - "just in case"...

It's different to the "Brain Fog" that sometimes affects my immediate short-term memory.

(Posted 12 April 2022)
I've been experiencing vertigo a lot these last few weeks. Strangely it's also been affecting me after I first raise up my head after bed/sleep! I literally have to hang on to the bed for a few seconds, as everything very realistically seems to be spinning around me. I have my "Fred" walking stick beside the bed all the time now - just in case. It usually passes with 5-10 seconds tho, thankfully... walking to the toilet etc is OK, but I still take my "Fred", just in case!

(Posted 19 Nov 2021)
I had two totally random brief dizzy spells today, each lasting about 5-ish seconds, about 30 minutes apart; I was not doing anything at the time, nor was I feeling unwell etc. Very bizarre! I spent the rest of the day walking around home with my walking stick - 'just in case'! Nothing else happened, tho. Weird!

➽ Article: MS Vertigo

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Also: Vertigo

Peas be with ewe 


  1. I get this a bit when I tilt my head back (for example when attempting yoga). Not a nice sensation at all :(

  2. Did you just use "blinkin'" in a sentence? ��

  3. That was supposed to have a laughing emoji behind it. :-)
