Monday 17 July 2023

Dubbo Visit - June 2023

Weekend of 24-25 June 2023
Outside of Dubbo, NSW

My brother David, his wife Colleen and I spent the weekend staying with/visiting my eldest son Josh and his delightful wife, Sam. They live about 220 kms / 136 miles west of where I live, on a country property of about 266 acres / 107 hectares.

Perfect soul-refreshing time. So relaxing, and we were made to feel completely welcome and at home. Love 'em like crazy! 💕

Their property c. 266 acres via Google Maps
(Pls excuse my shaky line drawing)

View from the back door of the house

Lexi & Diesel swimming in one of their dams

Lexi, Josh, Sam, Diesel
Family portrait [grins]
Josh and Sam will turn 30 this year

Tigger, too!

They have their own Hill Lookout they call "The Rock"
(It's granite country)

Some views around the house

Mal, Sam, Josh & Mal

Josh and Mal looking at the backhoe/tractor that Josh's Pa (Granddad) basically re-built for them

Josh's Pa [Granddad] used to drive this actual truck when he was young. Josh and Pa salvaged it and placed it here

Pa's original delivery truck, compete with copies of the original rego plates, too.

Sam: "I like RED cows!" [laffs]
They have about 12 cows at the moment.

They are always upgrading their fencing when they get the chance

(This one pic: 16 July 2023)

The endless task of rebuilding and clearing around old fences with an electric current [for the cows]


The House

Looking out the back of the House

The front drive

Insert "Proud Papa Moment" here - I am very proud of what they have achieved!

Peas be with ewe 