Friday 13 May 2022


So, when did “Not Caring” for people become the norm for us all? This is really having a huge negative effect on my mental health right now.

I feel as though any energy, mojo, life-force, motivation, energy, or sense of ‘self’ has simply been sucked out of me until there is nothing left of ‘me’ anymore. Honestly, I have no aim, purpose, drive, or motivation for anything at all anymore.

I do not want to kill myself, OK? I am not saying that. I just do not want to live like this anymore.

“I have no emotional or psychological strength left within me to do anything about it anymore. I can't fight this any longer.” That’s what I am trying to say.

I feel as though years of ‘trying to jump through mindless bureaucratic hoops of a non-caring non-human or humane system’ has led to this. Oh sure: ‘blame the system, Mal.’ When people do not care about people: what’s the point of it all, then? When did ‘the program’ become more important than ‘the person’?

It is hard for me to understand why I am not believed. If I do ‘x’ (as requested of me), then ‘x’ - I am constantly told - is either wrong, not acceptable or not good enough for the mindless non-caring ‘system’. This sucks the life-energy right out of me. Years of it. Endlessly.

My Catch 22: I am disabled enough not to be gainfully employable. But I am not disabled enough to be considered ‘disabled’. Yes, that’s the problem: I do not fit into any of the slots/holes/boxes in any of the ‘system’ I have become ‘too hard’ for the system - and people - to deal with.

So they just ignore/dismiss me. I honestly feel like people just treat me like I am invisible, with no soul, feelings, or essence at all. I do not exist anymore. I am nothing. “Mal’s stuff… I just don’t wanna deal with that…”

There are exceptions to this (thankfully), but they seem to become fewer and fewer as time progresses.

I hate feeling like a burden or a nuisance – but this is all I feel I am anymore. And honestly: I hate it. Loathe it.

I know: these are all unanswerable questions. But this is what I am emotionally struggling with right now. And to be honest: I’m not coping at all with it.

I know these feelings will pass in a day or two, but I think I am trying to express what it’s like when “The Black Dog” (depression, anxiety etc) strikes, while it’s upon me. It’s bloody horrible… like wallowing in a black pit of bottomless mud, treading water whilst wearing concrete shoes.

OK, that’s enough.

Peas be with ewe 


  1. Well I care about you Mal. Vicky

    1. Thank you... I feel like such an attention whore posting all that. I just... needed to get it out. I know it doesn't change anything, but it's just good to vent.

  2. Dearest Mal. I'm so glad you felt able to share openly and honestly about your struggle. I totally understand where you're coming from - although I don't have to deal with half the crap you have to. David and I struggle quite a bit these days - both being in jobs we'd rather not have to do - and being caught in those corporate world's where we are both just cogs in wheels. Life really does sux sometimes. Just keep your head above water and know that you are loved. Thinking of you. Nola and David.
