I'm really really glad that he's found himself a new bunch of muso's to play with [when he's able to!] - a few local much-older guys who are very talented, playing a whole swag of 70's covers [it's not material I'd personally be too happy to play week-after-week, but if he's happy, that's the main thing]. They're aiming to play the wedding/function-type gigs, and I'm sure they'd be great at it too. I'm slightly envious, as I really miss playing with him. But of course I'm really happy for him. It also doesn't mean that we cannot link-up again musically down the track either. It just wasn't the right time now, as he's been [and will continue to be] very busy aside from playing music - understandibly.
I told him all about the solo music I'm performing and recording, and he was very excited and positive about it all for me, which bought a sigh of relief for me. I knew he's be OK with me going off doing my own stuff, but I sure miss having him there to bounce ideas off with as well.
On the home front [apart from being a classic on-going overcast cold mid-winter...] right now I'm slow-cooking a huge pot of delicious home-made vegetable soup, that'll keep me filled for the next two days at least. Yum. Undergoing the trails of on-going chronic diarrhea is no fun... so some pure and natural input will help in that regard.
I'm traveling back upto Mt Victoria (Blue Mountains) tonight to play a short music playing spot, like I did last week. Looking forward to it... but trying to decide which three original songs to perform can be a challenge, when there's at least 12 of my own 'ditties' I'm pretty happy with performing live at the moment! A mate and I are driving up and back together this evening, so it'll be good to have a bit of company on the hours' drive each way. Oh... and I've had to set myself a cut-off-limit of 50 cover songs to play for now! That's more than copiously enough to play four-hours-worth of performance time anywhere.
Recording of the CD album continues very very well... only two backing tracks left to do, and I'm slowly working through vocal takes as well. There's just one main song I've left to actually 'record' yet... tis one I've been playing for years called "Sunrise". It's kinda like leaving one of the better ones for last, I guess. I'm totally aware of my various skill-limitations, but - it's all FUN!
The mixing and editing will take a good month as it is as well [apart from the actual recording], so that's why I'm aiming for an end-of-August release date - it takes some serious TIME when you're doing everything on your own!
Peas be with ewe
Mal :)
Mal :)
That's still sounding positive Mal, glad it seems to be working out for you. Good luck to your friend, Julian and his wife for tomorrow, I hope it all goes well for them. Hope you'll let us know about the new baby when he/she arrives.
ReplyDeleteNice picture! LOL! Sounds like you have been keeping busy. Soup sounds great. We have been eating a lot of soup lately too. I don't like the cold much, can't wait till summer comes back!
ReplyDeleteI'd ask you to send me some of your yummy soup, however, it's 90 degrees and very muggy here. Much too hot for soup. I hope your tummy gets better soon.
ReplyDeleteall your hard work will pay off mal!! you know that..
ReplyDeleteas far as the soup..i will have a bowl or two :) yum!!
MMMM home made soup...its time I made a big pot of my irish Stew...and like you I can eat it for a week...Pleased you had some time with Julian and are still good mates.