Saturday, 16 August 2008

Ms Cellania

Here's two new blogs for you to explore at your leisure...

Ms Cellania is a proud British mum and grandmum. Enjoy.

Wendishness is a fellow Aussie from Queensland... but please don't hold that against her! [Just kidding!]

Thanx to Plurk for the connections. It's an interesting media... I've just been leaving it running in the background while I work on-and off-line etc. Like chatting and commenting at the same time. Something different, I guess. All positive so far.

more cat pictures
Peas be with ewe

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  1. Just saying hiya plurk buddy!! Tis gcgal...just having a little read of your blog...very cool! Will say Python rocks, the Goons are great and The Beatles OMG!! Love the 60's Brit music, but Beatles are my all time faves! :)

  2. Thank you, Ma'am! [blush!]

    The BEatles? Don't get me started on them! I could go for weeks and weeks talking about them! heh heh

    Mal :)

  3. cool! Hey I met George Harrison in Adelaide in '93!! That was just totally cool!

  4. That's one dynamic photo of the bear! He he he.

    I'm a new Plurker and enjoying it so far as well. Which is, by the way, where I followed you from! :)

  5. I'm chuffed you gave me a mention thank you. Plurk is great I always look forward to talking to friends old and new.

    BTW the bear photo had me smiling :) see you on plurk
