Rather than a nice quiet cafe in the upper Blue Mountains, my brother and I opted for the norty option, and hit Maccas in Lithgow! Please - don't stone us! He wanted it! heh heh. Yeah, it's always good to catch up with him, as it's been a few months. The last time we had a face-to-face was back when I visited in July up in Cairns. We caught up with the latest saga regarding his unsold house up in Katoomba, which seems to be actually on a forward path for the first time in about a year! A stubborn tenant and lying Real estate agents really screwed him over, but he's kicked some butt (at last!), and it's going back on the market. It's even increased in value over the past 12 months. Good on 'em I say.
He was staying with his wifes' family and their friends around the Blue Mountains for the past few days, so he was all "tea'd out" from endless cups of tea and scones and plates and plates heaped with food everywhere he went! I think he wanted to go to Maccas just so he could sloth out with a Coke for a bit! heh heh. He flies out of Sydney at 5am or some awful time... but thinking about it, when I went up there and back I left at kinda the same time as well. Oh, and his tip was... Qantas serves a horrible breakfast on their domestic flights! hahahaaa. I took a quick photo of him standing next to the "Weather Rock"... I'm uploading them as we speak.
We hung out and just enjoyed each others company for about 90 minutes, and then he headed back via the Bells Road - something he hadn't done in years, he told me. The &^%$#@ politicians latest 'bug-bear' is to build a highway across the Blue Mountains following the Bells Line... but pink fairies will run for Parliament first before that actually happens. Me? A cynic? Bloody oath! heh heh
As I drove into Lithgow, I took a quick peek at a nearby lake that usually has some sailing boats on it. I competed in their regatta there last year. Driving past at midday - the lake and shore was empty! I was disgusted! Out at Carcoar, we'd already be sitting on the shore having lunch, after having been out for an hour or so in the morning! heh heh.
Anyways, on the way back I saw some boats there, so i dropped in. I saw a few Lasers (same as mine) and briefly caught up with a few familiar faces for a few minutes. Watching them start a very casual race and a 20 minute lap of a 3-lap race was so refreshing. Someone had the footy on the radio in a nearby car, and I had a practically-complete view of the entire lake to watch the boats get tossed around by the puffy winds. Did I mention the glorious sunshine? You'd never know we had squalls and slight hail on Friday, would you? Too bad I didn't bring my boat with me. But to be honest, the thought didn't cross my mind. I was just excited to be seeing my brother, and that was my priority. Now my boats' sitting at home, I can always hook it up t the towbar and head out there next Sunday for a sail. It's just funny how LATE they start their sailing days! Even as I was leaving at 2.45, someone drove up with a small catamaran! Wow... out at Carcoar we've been out, in for lunch, out again, back in for a cuppa, and out again for a last spin on the water by then! heh heh.
Looking at my watch, and considering the time it would take me to get back into town etc etc... I thought I would head into the music session at one of the local pubs in town, and play a bit of music. I haven't been there for about 2 months or so, what with the sailing taking up again on a Sunday arvo and all. So I spent the 30 minutes or so thinking of some stuff to sing and play, kinda psyching myself into it.
Long-story-short... I got there - and the place was deserted! There was nobody there! All the sings were up advertising the weekly event, but there were certainly no musos or instruments to be seen anywhere! Gagh! I had a chuckle to myself - I'd gee'd myself up to play again, and after all that I didn't end up playing anyway! hahahaha.
So, all in all, I came home in quite an upbeat, positive mood.
Now, if only I could bottle that for another time...! [grins happily]
Gammamomma asked about that kangaroo I saw that was mortaly wounded the other week? Well yes, there is a local organization called "WIRES" that picks-up and helps mend animals that have fallen victim to traffic accidents. Alas, this particular poor creature was, well... if I'd had a gun I would have put it quickly out of its misery. I was so upset because there was nothing that could have been done for the unfortunate creature :(
And I think Caroline nailed it with her comment about that family I hadn't seen in six years the other day... I think I simply didn't know what to say! heh heh. Silly moi :)
Oh... and a quick "Hiya" to John in Elvistown [grins and waves].
Peas be with ewe
I enjoyed my drive yesterday from the movies. The open road, beautiful sunshine and my car was behaving itself :)