Sunday 22 April 2007

(*) Green Apple Bubblegumpink

Top 5 album "killers." (you know, songs that ruined an album in one way or another)
  • 1. "I Want To Hold Your Hand" off The Beatles new "Love" album - it just doesn't fit in with the whole vibe!
  • 2. "Revolution No.9" off The Beatles White Album... I know it's an interesting sound collage, but on a Beatles album? Seriously guys, talk about a time-filler!
  • 3. "Do What You Like" from 1969's "Blind Faith" album... what's the point of that? lol
  • 4. "Termination" of Iron Butterfly's "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" album [Atlantic 1968] - kinda groovy uptil then, but...?
  • 5. "Travels in Nihilon" off XTC's pop masterpiece "Drums and Wires" [1980] - like, what is going on here? lol

Oh the noes! They're at it again!!!

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  1. I'm going to have to listen to that one from Love..but I definitely agree with you on Revolution 9 that's downright horrid.

  2. I agree on #9..... it has always bothered me!! Glad I'm not alone!
