Wednesday 4 April 2007

(*) Blackberry Silver-Bullet

The last two days have been quietly constructive in many ways. I was just about to turn on the hose to wash my car this morning [guarenteed to bring some rain...?], and the phone rang. Mr Hoon invited me out for some morning tea [white Earl Grey tea, thanx! heh heh]. He just needed someone to talk to... there's some family issues happening with his kids that are fairly agitating for them at the moment. I'm glad he can feel relaxed and comfortable enough to just unload some of his worries by just talking things thru with me. No answers. Twas just one of those moments when I just had to be there to listen, not to 'offer solutions' when there just aint any to suggest. It's nice to be someones' friend again :)
Talk about from one extreme to another... maybe it's just because I'm tired...? Tonight I have been listening to Beethoven, and then this!!!
Neil Young - Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere

Looking forward to being with the boys again on Saturday at the car races. I miss them so much so deeply that words cannot express how much it hurts me to be apart from them so much. I don't mean to sound so emo-dramatic, but the pain is now so deep it's affecting not only my physical but my emotional health as well in so many ways. Yeah, I'm going back to the doctor straight after Easter and asking him him to put me back on the anti-depressants again. I'm not embarrased or agitated about doing it this time, because I simply know it works - for me.

Talking about the boys... looking thru their portfolios at the Parent-Teacher night, SJ has started doing cursive handwriting... and it totally blew me away that his handwriting looked SO similar to my late mums! I got a photocopy of it, and I'm going to send it to my brother - he'll say so to, I know it's not just me that can see mum's handwriting in her grandchild's! Wow... freaky!

Wednesday Mind Hump
Happy Wednesday! Let's do another mind hump. Today is Vitamin C day, and that means citrus!

Name your favorite citrus fruits and your favorite dishes, drinks, desserts, etc. using citrus. Oooh, there's nothing in the universe the same as
freshly squeezed orange juice!
I could drink that all day... if it weren't for the after-effects! heh heh

Mind you, I'm not quite sute if it would count as a 'citrus' dish, but does cheesecake count? I mean, you need the juice of lemons in it, right? heh heh

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  1. I am really happy that you have a friend...who know's maybe you will be calling him to unload some feelings and now he owes you one *smile*
    as for the cheesecake...i think your stretching
